
Older, Slower and Entitled


Good Morning,

Major U.S. stock averages rebounded Friday, but closed the week in the red amid fears of the Federal Reserve pulling back its stimulus as well as concern regarding the delta variant. 

Minutes from the Fed’s July meeting released this week showed the central bank is willing to start reducing its monthly asset purchases this year. Investors sold equities and commodities this week buying bonds on fears that a “backwards looking” move by the Fed could upend the global economy already under stress by the delta variant.

Our Take

With investors considering a Fed tapering while the delta variant keeps spreading, the transition away from liquidity/policy regime to more mid-cycle markets means volatility is likely set to continue.   

Policy error represents the most obvious risk for markets. For weeks, changes in the economic data suggest that economic growth is slowing, rates have been heading lower, the dollar has headed higher, and commodities have by and large corrected. According to the bears, this picture seems to suggest that any Fed tapering this fall - just as the global economy's growth is normalizing - could create a growth scare, and as a result, that theFed would have begun taperingat the wrong moment leading to further economic weakness and eventually a stock market rout.

This may or may not occur. Corrections are inevitable and although we do think that it would be unwise to chase many major index components as future returns from these levels appear unattractive, we do believe that the strength of this bull market is remarkable. 

This year alone the S&P has hit 48 new highs. Since we finally broke through the 2007 pre-GFC highs in the summer of 2013 we’re now looking at more than 320 new highs in this bull market. The gains are smaller, befitting a less extreme year as when the S&P 500 Index has risen in 2021, the daily increase has been half what it was in 2020. But in terms of persistent, day-after-day gains, these seven months in the U.S. stock market have few historical precedents.

Interestingly, as Nir Kaissar points out for Bloomberg, the past 30 years may not be an anomaly but a new normal. 

For about 120 years from the 1870s to the 1980s, the U.S. stock market reliably reverted to its long-term average valuation, and just as important, it spent roughly equal time above and below that average. Investors could therefore expect an expensive market to become cheaper and a cheap market to become more expensive, a useful assumption when estimating future stock returns. 

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Since 1990, however, the market has rarely dipped below its long-term average valuation, the notable exception being the period around the 2008 financial crisis. Neither the dot-com bust in the early 2000s nor the Covid-induced sell-off last spring managed to subdue it.

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Accordingly, with volatility moderate and the uptrend persisting, any trading tools that told investors to do anything but buy are failing. When applied to the S&P 500, half of the 22 charts-based indicators tracked by Bloomberg have lost money since the end of March, back-testing data show. All of them are doing worse than a simple buy-and-hold strategy, which is up 12%. 

Over the past 10 years, the S&P 500 is up almost 360% while gold is down 2%. That’s a lost decade for gold, even after it was up 25% in 2020 and 18% in 2019.

It has been incredibly profitable to adhere to the classic mantras of “don’t fight the fed” and “the trend is your friend”. Investors buying virtually every dip have been rewarded. 

Most non-recession 10%+ corrections over the past 25 years began with certain conditions. They all typically start with wildly overbought conditions and excessive optimism. We can’t predict when the party will end, but we do believe that “wildly overbought” and “excessive optimism” are not at present characteristic of the prevailing sentiment. Furthermore, for many high quality companies, multiples have been contracting and fundamentals have been improving. You just need to know where to look….


Humans are creatures of habit and easily susceptible to conditioning. From childhood we learn (the hard way) to avoid touching a hot stove and alternatively, we learn that certain behaviours such as doing our chores will earn us rewards from our parents. We learn (or are supposed to learn) that by working hard and developing the right skills and habits we will get ahead and unlock a more “pleasant” life. 

Our environment influences us. We react to the incentives and disincentives we are presented with attempting to reduce pain and maximize pleasure and this process of conditioning shapes our behaviours and attitudes. 

The economy and markets work similarly because after all, they are composed of humans. Given the incredible shock Covid-19 represented (which we are still dealing with), we’ve been thinking a lot about the conditioning it has precipitated or perhaps accelerated. How have our brains/habits and thereby societies and economies been re-wired? 

Aware of the seemingly endless amount of time one could spend on this topic, one thing in particular has caught our attention. 

The fact that the labor force in the US has shrunk (this is a phenomenon that is also  affecting most developed economies). The US economy has been creating jobs at a rapid clip. Employment has risen by an average of about 617,000 people per month so far this year.

While the total number of Americans who are working is still more than 5 million short of 2019 levels, there is work available. The number of open positions surged to a record 10 million-plus in June.

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Nevertheless, many employers say they’re having trouble filling those jobs, even with the unemployment rate still relatively high.

That points to one big question-mark around the recovery. Americans have dropped out of the labor force.

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More than half of the unemployed have been out of work for 15 weeks or longer and, on average, it’s taking people 29.5 weeks to find a job -- even with all those openings.

Why? Common explanations fall into three categories. 

  1. Disruption owning to the spread of Covid-19

  2. The Impact of welfare policy

  3. Changes to attitudes wrought by the pandemic 

When it comes to the first bucket it is believed that school closures have made it impossible for parents, particularly mothers to take a job. The evidence of this is more mixed and less compelling. Furthermore as restrictions ease, Covid-19 recedes and children head back to school, such issues should correct. 

The second bucket is of particular interest as welfare policy (ie. entitlements) is something policy makers can control. Where do we stand on this front? There was an interesting article in the WSJ recently entitled “Hooked on Federal Checks”. The author Nick Stehle wrote

My family is receiving the new Advance Child Tax Credit Payments, passed by Congress and signed into law by President Biden in March. Under this policy, I’m going to make more than $11,000 by the time I file my 2021 taxes. I “earned” this extra cash by having four children between 5 and 13.

The policy—which pays $300 a month for each child under 6 and $250 a month for each child between 6 and 17—is set to expire at year’s end, yet the Biden administration and congressional Democrats are pushing to make it permanent. If that happens, I’m looking at more than $10,000 a year for the next four years, then thousands more annually for nearly a decade after that.

Do I need this money? Thankfully, no. I have a good job that puts my family solidly in the middle class. Should I be getting this money? Absolutely not. But will I use the money? Yes. That is why this new entitlement is so dangerous.

The federal government is conditioning families like mine to expect “free” money. When you see that cash in your account, the first thought is how to use it. It becomes a habit to see and spend extra money each month. Like many habits, it is liable to worsen.”

The political discourse in Canada is no different with each challenger party putting forth colossal spending platforms designed to one up the current incumbent Liberal spending bonanza. 

Politicians of all stripes continue to clamour for more spending as they decry that life is getting more expensive. All of this while nearly 61% of U.S. households paid no federal income taxes in 2020 and central banks have spent $834 million an hour for 18 months buying bonds to force down borrowing costs since the pandemic hit (the US Fed alone has put in roughly $4 trillion). 

The question is how much longer can central banks and governments keep the cash spigots flowing at full force? Politicians appear to be openly uninterested in such trivial details.  

Many of the entitlements such as the Advance Child Tax Credit Payments discussed above or the Old Age Security benefits in Canada (only two small examples) are not primarily directed to families in poverty. 

Instead, such entitlements are better understood as an attempt to buy votes from various voting blocks. Once you come to expect an entitlement you are much less inclined to vote for someone who wants to cut off the cash. A similar understanding can be applied to the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, CRB, CRCB and the CRSB in Canada. The conditioning has become powerful. 

Nick Stehle points out that the price tag of such measures in terms of expanding the national debt is high yet the human cost of these policies is perhaps even higher. Since many of these benefits are not tied to work/output, people have less reason to try and climb the ladder of opportunity. 

Is this how a social safety net should work? Will such political discourse erode cultural attitudes surrounding “work ethic”? Has irreversible damage already been done? 

This idea dovetails on the third category of common explanations: changes to attitudes wrought by the pandemic. One intriguing possibility is that the pandemic has made people value work less. The pandemic forced us all to take a hard look in the mirror and many surveys suggest that people now treasure time with family more than they once did. A shift in attitudes towards work is hard to pin down yet a recent study from Britain suggests that people want to work fewer hours even if their pay falls.  

By making unemployment insurance schemes (entitlements) competitive with market wage rates in a pandemic, it would come as no surprise if attitudes surrounding work ethic have suffered. Rewards and incentives change habits and behaviour. The longer this dynamic persists, the longer and more difficult it will be to reshape such habits and adjust behaviours. 

It is still too early to tell how much work ethic has suffered yet this potential conditioning accelerated by COVID-19 is not a positive development. 

The economic carnage brought on by Covid-19 induced lockdowns necessitated extraordinary monetary and fiscal intervention. Politicians and Central bankers had to act. The problem we see today is that a potential pandora’s box of entitlement and complacency has been opened. 

When leaders have simply to open the spigot to earn votes, there is little incentive to improve the quality of leadership. Hence, in our opinion, the disastrous state of leadership today. 

Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton agreed on little publicly, but they did agree that when the public treasury becomes a public trough and voters take notice, they will send to government only those who promise them a bigger piece of the government pie.

There’s an old theory that wealthy democracies follow a socio-economic cycle from slavery to spiritual faith, to great courage, to liberty, to abundance and wealth, to complacency, to apathy, to dependence and back to slavery. Judging from the post Covid-19 socio-economic climate we appear to be on a problematic path to complacency and apathy. 

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When entitlement is not linked to output and contribution there is little willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life - which is the source from which self-respect and thus character, springs. Instead, one develops the perception that the outcomes of one’s life are entirely out of one’s hands. 

And to be without character is perhaps the worst fate of all. 

Charts of the Month

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Valuations are certainly in the upper band even when measured against the past 25 years, which has been a time filled with higher-than-average historical valuations. Here’s one that may surprise you though — this year we’ve actually seen multiples on the S&P 500 contract:

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JP Morgan also broke out valuations and earnings by the top 10 stocks in the S&P (which also includes Berkshire Hathaway, Tesla, Nvidia, JP Morgan and Johnson & Johnson) and everything else:

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The top 10 stocks are now close to 30% of the market. This sounds concerning until you see they contributed 34% of the earnings over the past year. These companies are large for a reason.

They’re also expensive for a reason. You can see once you take away the top 10 holdings, the valuation of the other 490 or so stocks doesn’t look all that bad.

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Logos LP July 2021 Performance

July 2021 Return: -1.18%


2021 YTD (July) Return: 7.28%


Trailing Twelve Month Return: 41.47%


Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) since inception March 26, 2014: 24.39%

Thought of the Month

Enough of this miserable, whining life. Stop monkeying around! Why are you troubled? What’s new here? What’s so confounding? The one responsible? Take a good look. Or just the matter itself? Then look at that. There’s nothing else to look at. And as far as the gods go, by now you could try being more straightforward and kind. It’s the same, whether you’ve examined these things for a hundred years or three.- Marcus Aurelius

Logos LP Services

Looking for proprietary research? We would be happy to chat. Please book an intro call here.

Articles and Ideas of Interest

  • Florida is America's Future: Old, Southern and Retired. Why we should be concerned that the fastest-growing cities in the U.S. are retirement villages in the South. One of the most important trends to emerge from the 2020 Census didn't get much attention last week, but it reveals more about how both the U.S. economy and its politics will look in the coming years than most other details focused on by the news media. Americans' vision of their city of the future typically involves skyscrapers populated by large new technology companies. Yet the 2020 Census didn't point to San Francisco or New York as the fastest-growing city, or even one of the dozens of smaller metros that emulate them. The fastest growing metro area in the U.S. is the Villages, a retirement community in central Florida. And that's indicative of an economy that's older, less dynamic and more reliant on government benefits. It also points to a growing concentration of political and economic power in the south. Why is no one talking about this?  


  • The Opposite of Toxic Positivity. Countless books have been written on the “power of gratitude” and the importance of counting your blessings, but that sentiment may feel like cold comfort during the coronavirus pandemic, when blessings have often seemed scant. Refusing to look at life’s darkness and avoiding uncomfortable experiences can be detrimental to mental health. This “toxic positivity” is ultimately a denial of reality. Telling someone to “stay positive” in the middle of a global crisis is missing out on an opportunity for growth, not to mention likely to backfire and only make them feel worse. As the gratitude researcher Robert Emmons of UC Davis writes, “To deny that life has its share of disappointments, frustrations, losses, hurts, setbacks, and sadness would be unrealistic and untenable. Life is suffering. Scott Barry Kaufman for The Atlantic suggests that no amount of positive thinking exercises will change this truth.

  • The Coronavirus Is Here Forever. This Is How We Live With It. Sarah Zhang for the Atlantic suggests that we can’t avoid the virus for the rest of our lives but we can minimize its impact. The current spikes in cases and deaths are the result of a novel coronavirus meeting naive immune systems. When enough people have gained some immunity through either vaccination or infection—preferably vaccination—the coronavirus will transition to what epidemiologists call “endemic.” It won’t be eliminated, but it won’t upend our lives anymore. Politicians crafting policy based on “Covid zero” are going down a dangerous path…


  • Warren Buffett’s Cash Trap Can Snare Big Tech, Too. The Berkshire Hathaway CEO has more cash than he knows what to do with. But Apple, Amazon and other tech giants face a similar dilemma. It may remain one of Buffett’s most memorable lessons. Even as tech company after tech company has joined the $1 trillion and then $2 trillion market-cap club during the pandemic, they all have something in common with Buffett: more cash than they know what to do with. It’s a good problem to have until it isn’t.


  • Companies and Families Are Loading Up on Debt. It Could Be a Dangerous Trend. For folks with finances stretched by inflation, using “buy now, pay later” (BNPL) to help pay for luxuries or even necessities, such as an updated wardrobe to return to work, might be the clincher in the purchasing decision. Square’s ability to provide ready funding to merchants and consumers apparently justifies the $29 billion price tag for Afterpay—equal to an enterprise value of 35 times gross profit for the next 12 months, according to MoffettNathanson analyst Lisa Ellis. But it belies the notion of flush consumers. Or does it?


  • Why Managers Fear a Remote-Work Future. Interesting take on remote work by Ed Zitron in the Atlantic suggesting that like it or not, the way we work has already evolved. Remote work lays bare many brutal inefficiencies and problems that executives don’t want to deal with because they reflect poorly on leaders and those they’ve hired. Remote work empowers those who produce and disempowers those who have succeeded by being excellent diplomats and poor workers, along with those who have succeeded by always finding someone to blame for their failures. It removes the ability to seem productive (by sitting at your desk looking stressed or always being on the phone), and also, crucially, may reveal how many bosses and managers simply don’t contribute to the bottom line.


  • Why is China smashing its tech industry? Noah Smith suggests that it has something to do with what countries consider to be the “Tech Industry”. China may simply see things differently. It’s possible that the Chinese government has decided that the profits of companies like Alibaba and Tencent come more from rents than from actual value added — that they’re simply squatting on unproductive digital land, by exploiting first-mover advantage to capture strong network effects, or that the IP system is biased to favor these companies, or something like that. There are certainly those in America who believe that Facebook and Google produce little of value relative to the profit they rake in; maybe China’s leaders, for reasons that will remain forever opaque to us, have simply reached the same conclusion.


  • What’s Holding Back China’s Recovery? The Kids Aren’t Alright. There are many answers, but one important piece of the puzzle is starting to become clear: Young workers and job seekers, who often spend more of their income since they are just starting out, are struggling. Until that is rectified, regaining China’s pre-pandemic consumption-growth trend could be challenging. Online movements springing from youth discontent such as “tang ping” or “lying flat,” which was started by a disenchanted former factory employee and rejects overwork, may be difficult to fully suppress. This problem is affecting most nations globally as policy makers ignore the plight of the next generation…


  • America’s Investing Boom Goes Far Beyond Reddit Bros. Robinhood traders have earned the most attention, but they’re only part of a larger story about class stagnation and distrust. Fascinating account by Talmon Joseph Smith in the Atlantic of the investing craze that has characterized the post pandemic world. In a series of interviews conducted with economic analysts, amateur and professional investors, cryptocurrency lovers, and former hedge-fund managers, several people expressed the view that the subcultures born out of America’s untamed investing boom are many and varied. They’re diverse, if not integrated; some silly, some assiduous—yet all infused with a quiet desperation to reach escape velocity and defeat the gravitational pull of class stagnation that’s lasted decades...

Our best wishes for a month filled with joy and contentment,

Logos LP

2018 Meltdown and What to Think of 2019?


Good Morning,

Santa Claus rally? No Santa Claus rally? Naughty or nice? One thing is for sure the last two weeks on Wall Street have been gut wrenching. Not for the faint of heart. During that time, the major U.S. stock indexes have suffered losses that put them on track for their worst December performance since the Great Depression. Investors have also been gripped by volatile swings in the market as they grapple with a host of issues.

The S&P 500 has logged six moves of more than 1 percent over the period, three of which were of more than 2 percent. For context, the broad index posted just eight 1 percent moves in all of 2017.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average, meanwhile, has seen seven days of moves greater than 1 percent. Its intraday points ranges also widely expanded. The 30-stock index has swung at least 548 points in eight of its past nine sessions, and also posted its first single-day 1,000-point gain ever on Wednesday. The index ended down 76 points Friday after vacillating throughout the session.

These moves are remarkable and what has been equally remarkable has been the fact that many pundits and astute market veterans haven’t had much of a satisfying explanation; fears of the Fed after Chairman Jerome Powell said he did not anticipate the central bank changing its strategy for trimming its massive balance sheet, a U.S. federal government shutdown, disfunction in Washington (almost every part of Trump's life is now under investigation), slowing global growth, weaker data coming out of the U.S., “end of cycle”, and thus fears of a recession. All of which seem convincing as a root cause of this vicious selling. Watching CNBC has been almost comical with pundits like Jim Cramer recommending gold one day only to recommend nibbling on stock as markets move higher the next.

2018 was the year nothing worked: In fact, in 2018, just about every single asset class one can invest in — from stocks around the globe to government debt to corporate bonds to commodities — have posted negative returns or unchanged performance year to date.

Even during the financial crisis in 2008, government bonds and gold worked...

What gives?

Our Take

While any 20 percent sell-off hurts (both the Russell 2000 and Nasdaq led the way into bear market territory. The S&P 500 (-19.8%) and the Dow 30 (-18.8%) did manage to fall just short of the 20% threshold yet the average stock is down far more than that) the one happening now is far from unheard of in terms of depth or velocity. Over the past 100 years, there are almost too many examples to count of stocks tumbling with comparable force.



Investors over the Holidays have time to reflect on history, now that stocks have avoided a fourth straight down week via the biggest one-day rally since 2009. After coming within a few points of a bear market on Wednesday, the damage in the S&P 500 stands at 15 percent since Sept. 20.

This is normal but seems abnormal because we are all talking about it from morning to night.

As we are reminded by a recent article in Bloomberg: “A fair amount of complaining has gone on in recent months about the role of high-frequency traders and quantitative funds in the drubbing that reached its peak around Christmas. Perhaps. Those groups are big, and in the search for villains, they make easy targets. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is among the people who have made the connection.

One thing that makes it tough to lay blame for the meltdown on machine-based traders is the many past instances when markets fell just as hard without their help. The Crash of 1929 is one big example. However bad this market is, it’s a walk in the park compared with then.”

This pattern holds for the Dot-com Bust (S&P 500 lost 35 percent over the course of two months), Black Monday of 1987 (S&P 500 rose 36 percent between January and August 1987 in what was set to be the best year in almost three decades. Then the October sell-off pushed the S&P into a 31 percent correction over just 15 days), 1974 Sell-Off (the S&P 500 saw the index fall 33 percent in 115 days as a weakening economy, rising unemployment and spiking inflation pushed investors to head for the exits. Stocks subsequently rebounded, surging more than 50 percent between October 1974 and July 1975), 1962 Rout (S&P 500 Index lost a quarter of its value between March and June 1962), Not so Fat ‘57 (20 percent correction over 99 days in 1957).

Last I checked there were no high frequency traders then BUT there were equally dysfunctional administrations and equally irrational humans…

The selling is likely overdone. When the SP 500 peaked in late September '18, the forward 4 quarter estimate was $168.72; today, that same estimate is $169.58. The point is with the S&P 500 index falling some 15%, the forward estimate on which it's valued is actually slightly higher. The question is will these estimates hold. Clearly the stock market is not so sure despite the fact that the U.S. economy is in a good position to sustain a 2.5-3 percent growth rate in 2019.

With the selling frenzy pushing stock prices lower, investors are now pricing in zero growth in earnings for 2019. Is this reasonable? 2018 earnings will come in at around $162 for the year. Clearly, the market has lost a lot of confidence in the staying power of earnings and the health of the economy. If we apply a conservative 14-15 multiple to that, it yields a range for the S&P at 2,268-2,430. So with the index closing at 2,488 Friday, we are just above that range. The issue is that the stock market generally overshoots in either direction when it sees change. Emotion takes over and causes the rapid move.

Despite existing negativity, the market’s valuation has changed for the better. The S&P 500 is actually heading into 2019 with a P/E ratio right in line with its historical average going back to 1929. And if you look just at the last 30 years going back to 1990, it is actually undervalued.

Unless one sees another financial crisis upon us (which at this time we do not), the probability is high that this could also mark a near term low.

As for investor sentiment, bearishness sits at record highs. In fact, half of individual investors now describe themselves as “bearish” for the first time since 2013. The latest AAII Sentiment Survey shows greater polarization, with neutral sentiment falling to an eight-year low.

On December 24 73% of financial stocks hit 52-week lows. That exceeds all days from the worldwide financial crisis…

In the past 28 years, there have been 2 times when every stock in the 2&P 500 Energy sector was below their 10-, 50-, and 200 day average and more than half were trading at 52 week lows.
1) During the depths of the 2008 financial crisis
2) Now

The pendulum of the market may be set for a swing in the other direction.

A Few Things We Like for 2019 That We Have Been Nibbling On During The 2018 Rout

Cerner Corp. (CERN:NASDAQ): major player in the healthcare IT industry as its software is highly integrated into the operations of several large provider networks. The firm has internally developed much of its software, which makes its product lineup close to seamless and effective within the healthcare IT sector. The secular demand tailwinds for Cerner’s products are robust given ACA mandates that require providers to upgrade their health records management systems. This highly positive trend will be enhanced over the next several years by changing payer reimbursement structures. Trading at a roughly 30% discount to intrinsic value (earnings based DCF), 10 year low P/E, P/S and P/FCF.

CGI Group Inc. (GIB.A:TSX): deeply embedded in government agencies across North America and Europe. Gained greater scale with its acquisition of Logica in 2012. This scale will allow the firm to better meet the needs of global clients. The firm has a backlog of signed contracts of more than CAD 21 billion, with an average duration of approximately five to seven years. Growing IT complexity is expected to support long-term demand for IT services as companies look to simplify and streamline their IT landscape. Trading at a roughly 20% discount to intrinsic value (earnings based DCF), attractive 10 year low P/E, PEG ratio and EV/EBIT.

Chart(s) of the Month 


“Equity prices are said to have far outpaced earnings during this bull market. In fact, better profits accounts for about 70% of the appreciation in the S&P over the past 8 years. Of course valuations have also risen, that is a feature of every bull market, as investors transition from pessimism to optimism. But this has been a much smaller contributor. In comparison, 75% of the gain in the S&P between 1982-2000 was derived from a valuation increase (that data from Barry Ritholtz).”


I began reading a fantastic book over the break which I highly recommend entitled “The Laws of Human Nature” by Robert Greene. The book takes as its fundamental premise that we humans tend to think of our behaviour as largely conscious and willed. To imagine that we are not always in control of what we do is a frightening thought, but in fact is the reality. We live on the surface, reacting emotionally to what people say and do. We settle for the easiest and most convenient story to tell ourselves.

Greene writes: “Human nature is stronger than any individual, than any institution or technological invention. It ends up shaping what we create to reflect itself and its primitive roots. It moves us like pawns. Ignore the laws at your own peril. Refusing to come to terms with human nature means that you are dooming yourself to patterns beyond your control and to feelings of confusion and helplessness.”

These principles are all the more relevant in light of 2018’s market action. What is interesting is that like this sell off (including the cryptocurrencies sell off), when we look back at other selloffs like that of 2008, most explanations emphasize our helplessness. We were tricked by greedy banking insiders, mortgage lenders, poor government oversight, computer models and algorithmic traders etc.

What is often not acknowledged is the basic irrationality that drove these millions of buyers and sellers up and down the line.

They became infected with the lure of easy money. The taste of wealth and the envy of their fellow market participants appearing to make effortless gains.

This made even the most rational, experienced and educated investor emotional. Hungry for his own slice of the action. Ideas were rounded up to fortify such behaviour such as “this is game changing technology, this time it is different and housing prices never go down”. A wave of unbridled optimism takes hold of the mind and panic sets in as reality clashes with the story most people have accepted.

Once “smart people” start looking like idiots, fingers begin to get pointed at outside forces to deflect the real sources of the madness. THIS IS NOTHING NEW. IT IS AS OLD AS THE HUMAN RACE.

Understand: Bubbles/corrections/bear markets “occur because of the intense emotional pull they have on people, which overwhelm any reasoning powers an individual mind might possess. They stimulate our natural tendencies toward greed, easy money, quick results and loss aversion."

It is hard to see other people making money and not want to join in. It is also equally hard to watch one’s assets drop in value day after day. THERE IS NO REGULATORY FORCE ON THE PLANET THAT CAN CONTROL HUMAN NATURE.

As demonstrated above, the occurrence of these selloffs will continue as they have until our fundamental human nature is altered or managed.

As such, it is important during these periods that we look inward to acknowledge and understand the true causes of these phenomenon and even take advantage of them as they occur. The most common emotion of all being the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain. The most meaningful experiences of pleasure typically follow the most most meaningful experiences of pain…


Logos LP November 2018 Performance

November 2018 Return: 0.15%

2018 YTD (November) Return: -11.06%

Trailing Twelve Month Return: -7.60%

CAGR since inception March 26, 2014: +14.06%


Thought of the Month

"If you have trouble imagining a 20% loss in the stock market, you shouldn't be in stocks."

-- John Bogle

Articles and Ideas of Interest

  • 2018: The Year of the Woeful World Leader. Trump, May, Macron, Merkel. Italy, Spain, Sweden, Latvia. Even the dictators stumbled. So much bad governing, so little time.   

  • What the Fall of the Roman Republic can teach us about America. The bad news is that the coming decades are unlikely to afford us many moments of calm and tranquillity. For though four generations stand between Tiberius Gracchus’ violent death and Augustus’ rapid ascent to plenipotentiary power, the intervening century was one of virtually incessant fear and chaos. If the central analogy that animates “Mortal Republic” is correct, the current challenge to America’s political system is likely to persist long after its present occupant has left the White House. 

  • Low fertility rates aren’t a cause for worry. AI, migration, and being healthier in old age mean that countries don’t need to rely on new births to keep growing economically.  

  • Start-Ups aren’t cool anymore. A lack of personal savings, competition from abroad, and the threat of another economic downturn make it harder for Millennials to thrive as entrepreneurs.

  • This McKinsey study of 300 companies reveals what every business needs to know about design for 2019. In a sweeping study of 2 million pieces of financial data and 100,000 design actions over five years, McKinsey finds that design-led companies had 32% more revenue and 56% higher total returns to shareholders compared with other companies.

  • What do we actually know about the risks of screen time and digital social media? Some tentative links are in place, but many crucial details are fuzzy.

  • Start-up economy is a 'Ponzi scheme,' says Chamath Palihapitiya. Tech investor Chamath Palihapitiya addressed concerns about his investment firm, Social Capital, while also calling the start-up economy "a multivariate kind of Ponzi scheme.”

Our best wishes for a fulfilling 2019, 

Logos LP