
All These Worries


Good Morning,

Stocks rose Friday as news about a potential coronavirus treatment increased hope for an economic recovery following the outbreak. Tech stocks also continued their hot streak.


Gilead Sciences said its coronavirus treatment candidate, Remdesivir, showed an improvement in clinical recovery and a 62% reduction in the risk of mortality compared with standard care. The news sent Gilead shares up more than 2%. BioNTech’s CEO also told The Wall Street Journal the company’s coronavirus vaccine candidate could be ready for approval by December.


Shares of companies that would benefit from the economy reopening outperformed, especially the Russel 2000.

Our Take

In the short term, several of our proprietary technical indicators suggest that the market has become over-extended (especially sentiment in the NASDAQ) and thus we would not be surprised if markets pulled back as earnings season kicks off next week. However, if history is any guide, we do think that any selloff or pullback would likely be an opportunity to increase equity exposure. 


Looking at the second half of 2020, we won’t regurgitate the popular suggestions that the market has run too far, too fast, or that too many people own too few of the same “darling” technology stocks which COVID-19 has exposed as defensive investments/the new utilities (more on this below). These points are becoming so frequently argued that they could be considered to be the “consensus” view.


The same can be said for all the gloom and doom reasons which were presented in March and continue to be presented as arguments in favor of why one should be underweight equities or out of the market altogether. There are plenty of things to worry about, but these worries may be priced in as it should be stressed that in general, investors, large and small, are still in a high state of anxiety significantly underweight equities as sentiment levels remain at or near historic lows.


Alternatively, the more interesting story in our opinion is that interest rates are incredibly low and likely to remain so for a very long time in our low productivity/low growth world. This environment creates challenges for the trillions of dollars, institutional and otherwise, that have to be invested for one reason or another.


As such, if the economy continues to recover, COVID-19 cases and deaths trend in the right direction, and we get more positive vaccine/treatment news, the market is likely to continue its hot streak as cash comes off the sidelines and large institutions attempt to reach their historical median equity exposure.


Despite such predictions, as we hit the midpoint of 2020, we can notice that the cost of bad market timing decisions this year has been annihilation. As Vildana Hajric for Bloomberg so eloquently reminds us


"But for all the dizzying turbulence, it’s worth noting that the S&P 500 is nearly flat for anyone who sat tight and held through the chaos. Mistakes stand out in an environment like that -- the back-breaking costs of even a few wrong moves in a market as turbulent as this one. Maybe volatility is the time for active managers to shine, but the downside of getting it wrong has rarely been greater.


One stark statistic highlighting the risk focuses on the penalty an investor incurs by sitting out the biggest single-day gains. Without the best five, for instance, a tepid 2020 becomes a horrendous one: a loss of 30%."


Another gem from Aswath Damodaran, an expert on valuation at New York University’s Stern School of Business:


"The people who hate the rally are the people who are market gurus, because it makes it seem like their expertise is useless. And guess what? It is useless,” says Aswath Damodaran, an expert on valuation at New York University’s Stern School of Business. “Those people exist to make soothsayers look good.”


Such statistics remind us of the danger of trying to call the market’s peak, something that investors are feeling tempted to do again now with the S&P 500, DOW and NASDAQ fresh off significant rebounds, coronavirus infections rising and the worst earnings season in a decade about to kick off. Bearishness and general market timing as a strategy has a cost and 2020 is no exception to such a rule as over the long run stocks tend to go up. 


In a recent survey conducted by Citigroup, more than two-thirds of investors see a 20% decline in the market as more likely than a gain of a similar amount. Is the consensus view really destined to get it right as the second half of 2020 begins? Or will “staying the course” again deliver the best investment outcomes? 

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When thinking about the real economy and the stock market of late - whether reading about them, observing them, or listening to friends and clients talk about their experiences - it becomes clear that there is still a lot of uncertainty and anxiety surrounding what the future holds. 


Will the recovery be a V, an L, a W or perhaps some other letter? Will certain industries be forever impaired or worse, collapse? What will all of these newly unemployed people do if their old jobs never come back? 


I read a few paragraphs on these topics in the Washington Post the other day. The author was skeptical of the V shaped narrative:


United airlines announced plans to lay off more than one-third of its 95,000 workers. Brooks Brothers, which first opened for business in 1818, filed for bankruptcy. And Bed Bath and Beyond said it will close 200 stores. 


Welcome to the recovery. 

If there were still hopes of a “V-shaped” comeback from the novel coronavirus shutdown, this past week should have put an end to them. The pandemic shock, which economists once assumed would only be a temporary business interruption, appears instead to be settling into a traditional, self-perpetuating recession. 


One thing we can say with relative confidence as penned in the New York Times by David Leonhardt is that: 


the course of the virus itself will play the biggest role in the medium term. If scientific breakthroughs come quickly and the virus is largely defeated this year, there may not be many permanent changes to everyday life. On the other hand, if a vaccine remains out of reach for years, the long-term changes could be truly profound. Any industry that depends on close human contact would be at risk.


Large swaths of the cruise-ship and theme-park industries might go away. So could many movie theaters and minor-league baseball teams. The long-predicted demise of the traditional department store would finally come to pass. Thousands of restaurants would be wiped out (even if they would eventually be replaced by different restaurants).


What is lost in much of the commentary about the recovery’s shape/trajectory is that when the economy weakens, poor companies with flawed business models and/or products/services that consumers and businesses can live without and/or easily replicate, are always those that will suffer the most, if not die. 


Downturns are opportunities to revisit inefficiencies and can be healthy as they are part of the “creative destruction” process that economist Joseph Schumpeter famously described, allowing more efficient and innovative companies to rise. 


What is also lost in the commentary is that although we find ourselves in the middle of this process of creative destruction, the novel coronavirus shutdown induced recession did not begin the forces of change. It merely accelerated trends that had been blessed by the capital markets long before the pain began. 


In a fascinating article in a recent issue of the Economist the author cites research that the risk-adjusted returns of a high-resilience portfolio of stocks (mostly technology companies offering highly differentiated products and services that consumers and businesses simply can’t live without) were roughly 25% higher than a low-resilience portfolio of stocks (mostly cyclical companies offering non-differentiated products and services that consumers and businesses can live without and/or easily replicate) during the same period this year. 


The authors of the above research extend their analysis back in time and come to the rather striking conclusion that the outperformance of less vulnerable firms predates the pandemic. They detect that returns began steadily diverging in 2014, before widening further in the second half of 2019, and then exploding early this year.


This does not imply that markets foresaw the pandemic. It is owed, in part, to a boom in the price of technology stocks. Yet it helps illustrate why much of the reallocation now under way is very likely to stick- because it represents a continuation of trends that were long blessed by capital markets.” 


As such, there will likely be no turning back. No return to the pre-covid economy. Research has shown that roughly 42% of lay-offs linked to the pandemic are likely to prove permanent while options prices imply that over the next two years investors require a far higher expected return in order to accept exposure to vulnerable firms than more resilient ones. 


As such firms, investors, workers and perhaps most of all, politicians will have hard choices to make of whether or not to keep struggling companies, jobs and skill sets afloat. 

Each stakeholder above will need to rethink their operations, trim fat that was accumulated while the economy was growing and reallocate resources more nimbly and creatively towards skills, pursuits and innovation more suited to the future. 

Politicians should be more honest with their citizens about the power of these structural economic changes as they try and strike a delicate balance between generous support (which can discourage workers and firms from seeking new jobs and opportunities in expanding sectors) vs. too little support for those workers and firms dislocated by these changes (which can cause greater inequality and thus even greater social unrest and a prolonged slump). 

In this new paradigm, humility, flexibility and a growth mindset will separate those who thrive from those that merely survive. 

The future rewards those who press on. I don’t have time to feel sorry for myself. I don’t have time to complain. I’m going to press on.” -Barack Obama 

Charts of the Month

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Chart courtesy of Worldometer - Coronavirus

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Logos LP June 2020 Performance

June 2020 Return: 11.78%

2020 YTD (June) Return: 44.54%

Trailing Twelve Month Return: 58.81%

Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) since inception March 26, 2014: +21.34%


Thought of the Month


"When I look back on all these worries, I remember the story of the old man who said on his deathbed that he had had a lot of trouble in his life, most of which had never happened.” – Winston Churchill

Articles and Ideas of Interest


  • Are tech stocks the new utilities for investors? Tech stocks weren’t considered defensive investments in the past. But as the coronavirus crisis reinforces technology’s fundamental role in our lives, investors can find sources of risk reduction and growth potential in companies that have become digital utilities enabling global networks.

  • Over the past 60 years, more spending on police hasn’t necessarily meant less crime. If we look at how spending has changed relative to crime in each year since 1960, comparing spending in 2018 dollars per person to crime rates, we see that there is no correlation between the two. More spending in a year hasn’t significantly correlated to less crime or to more crime. For violent crime, in fact, the correlation between changes in crime rates and spending per person in 2018 dollars is almost zero.


  • A mathematician calculated how to keep fans safe at Yankee Stadium. Based on social distancing guidelines, only 11% of seats should be filled.

  • 2020's top 15 market moments according to Business Insider, from COVID-19 crashes to huge rallies. At the start of 2020, the killing of Qassam Soleimani, and the Iranian-US tensions that followed, was the biggest story in town for markets. But COVID-19 soon began to spread across the world, causing markets to tank. It's been a rollercoaster ride ever since. From oil prices turning negative in April to famed investor Warren Buffett selling his airline stocks in May, here are the top 15 market events of 2020 so far.  

  • Active fund managers trail the S&P 500 for the ninth year in a row. After 10 years, 85 percent of large cap funds underperformed the S&P 500, and after 15 years, nearly 92 percent are trailing the index.

  • We’re not likely to have a Covid-19 vaccine anytime soon. In the meantime, two scientists have developed an antibody-based shot that provides a similar level of protection. A growing number of doctors, including Anthony Fauci, think the approach is promising and readily scalable. So why do US officials and pharmaceutical companies keep refusing to mass-produce it? Emily Baumgaertner takes a look in the Los Angeles Times.


  • A buy everything rally beckons in a world of yield curve control. Should yield curve control go global, it would cement markets’ perception of central banks as the buyers of last resort, boosting risk appetite, lowering volatility and intensifying a broader hunt for yield. While money managers caution that such an environment could fuel reckless investment already stoked by a flood of fiscal and monetary stimulus, they nonetheless see benefits rippling across credit, equities, gold and emerging markets

  • Like a ton of bricks - Is investors’ love affair with commercial property ending? Covid-19 has upended the impression of solidity. Most immediately, it has severely impaired tenants’ ability to pay rent. It also raises questions about where shopping, work or leisure will happen once the crisis abates. Both are likely to prompt investors to become more discriminating. Some institutions may shift funds away from riskier properties; other investors, meanwhile will hunt for bargains, or seek to repurpose unfashionable stock. As it turns out, more and more people think we can work from home, and should continue to do so. For a nation long frustrated with offices, the coronavirus offers an excellent excuse to avoid them. According to McKinsey, 69% of people who now work from home are equally or more productive than they were at the office. 60% — three in five — say they would prefer to stay home — even after the pandemic is over. Guy Vardi digs into the future of work.

  • Where did my ambition go? A drive to succeed has become a drive to just get by. Why workplace ambition is flickering out in this endless limbo. Maris Kreizman writes that the tectonic shift currently shaking our culture/society feels profound. In a time when the pandemic has caused so much uncertainty about the future of so many industries, professional ambition begins to feel like misplaced energy, as helpful to achieving success as chronic anxiety. This is fascinating in light of Robert Shiller’s recent suggestion that the psychological toll from the coronavirus pandemic could completely reshape our societies. He warns that the big risk is people start thinking the setback will last forever and it impacts their willingness to take risks. That mindset could turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy, dramatically hurt demand and push more businesses to the brink. “We don’t have to keep up with the Joneses anymore,” said Shiller. “That might create a different kind of culture that would last for years that you don’t have to show the latest fashions and drive a spanking new car. We just learn that you can relax. But that is bad for the economy.”

  • The end of tourism? The pandemic has devastated global tourism, and many will say ‘good riddance’ to overcrowded cities and rubbish-strewn natural wonders. Christopher de Bellaigue asks if there is any way to reinvent an industry that does so much damage?

Our best wishes for a month filled with discovery and contentment,

Logos LP

Man’s Inability To Sit Quietly In A Room Alone


Good Morning,

Stocks were little changed on Friday as investors took a breather following a wild month of trading and Trump tweeting (nowadays they seem to go hand in hand). 

The equity market entered the week in an oversold condition. Eight of the eleven S&P sectors were oversold, with four of the eight coming in extremely oversold. Only Staples, Real Estate and Utilities remained in “neutral”.

The major indexes posted their worst monthly performance since May. The Dow fell 1.7% in August while the S&P 500 lost 1.8%. The Nasdaq pulled back 2.6%. U.S.-China trade relations intensified this month, rattling investors. 

The Cboe Volatility Index (VIX), widely considered to be the best fear gauge on Wall Street, traded as high as 24.81 in August before pulling back to around 18. Investors also loaded up on traditionally safer assets such as gold and silver this month. The SPDR Gold Trust (GLD) rose 8% in August while the iShares Silver Trust (SLV) surged 12.8%.

Choppy intraday market action continued during the month as traders stayed fixated on the 2/10 Treasury spread and the Trade/Tweet situation.

Last week, China retaliated against U.S. tariffs by unveiling levies of its own that target $75 billion in U.S. products. President Donald Trump then said the U.S. would hike tariffs on a slew of Chinese products. 

Our Take

In our view, despite signs of global economic weakness markets want to go higher. Nevertheless, without proof of actual movement towards a trade ‘truce, in addition to a cooling of Trump rhetoric lambasting the Fed, American Business as well as China, the probability of a self inflicted recession is growing. 

Charles Schwab sees leading indicators flashing limited recession warning:

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Although the levels of the leading and coincident indicators remain mostly green (strong) and yellow (fair); there has been a pickup in the number of red (worsening) trend readings; albeit having improved from the prior month in the case of the LEI.

Although the tariffs in place remain a drop in the bucket of this 20 Trillion dollar Amercican economy, the onset of a downturn is as much a matter of mood as of money. Although recessions can be linked to the after effects of shocks, they can also be linked to periods of time when people and firms fail to use valuable resources as they become available. In these garden variety slumps, people and firms with the capacity to spend more, who might normally leap at the chance to buy discounted goods or hire overqualified workers, instead allow their cash to pile up. Sound familiar? 

In a recent Economist article, we are reminded that at the heart of this behaviour is a matter of mass psychology, or “animal spirits”, as John Maynard Keynes put it. “Economies are great chains of earning and spending, held together by shared expectations that all will continue as normal. People spend incomes freely, on everything from homes to haircuts, in the belief that their jobs will not disappear and their incomes wither. Faith in economic expansion is self-fulfilling. But it is not invulnerable. Contagious pessimism can flip an economy from one equilibrium to another, in which cautious consumers spend less and hiring and investment fall accordingly. If the mood in markets and on Main Street is sour enough, even a modest nudge may push an economy into a slump.” Is Trump’s frantic leadership style helping or hindering this “faith in economic expansion”? 

Instead, we are witnessing an erosion of such faith as each time consumers or market participants attempt to be optimistic about the outlook for the U.S. economy, they are punched in the gut by a Trump tweet.

Considering the big picture, it is conceivable that China just might be able to doom Trump’s reelection chances—just as Russia helped put him in office in the first place by interfering in the 2016 presidential election in what the Mueller Report called “sweeping and systematic fashion.”

As recently reported in Bloomberg: “China is suffering more from the trade war than the U.S. is, as Trump has accurately observed. The difference is that Chinese President Xi Jinping does not have to worry about an upcoming election. His new strategy seems to be to outlast Trump and hope that the next occupant of the White House will be more reasonable.” 

As the U.S. economy is beginning to show signs of weakness, Trump has reason to fret. He has built his argument for reelection on American prosperity. His hopes for winning the race may hinge in no small part on stopping the U.S. from tumbling into a recession before November 2020.

Only two presidents since World War II — Democrats Harry Truman and Jimmy Carter — have run for reelection in the same year as a recession. While Truman won and Carter lost, history suggests an economic slump would damage Trump’s chances in what will already be a tough 2020 race.

Metrics such as the University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index help track consumers views’ on and expectations for the economy. The metric typically plummets during recessions. Over the survey’s history back to the mid-20th century, it has “largely” found that “if the index is low, the incumbent doesn’t get reelected,” said Richard Curtin, director of surveys of consumers at the University of Michigan.

What have you done for me lately? 

The longer this trade war drags on the answer for Trump is increasingly trending towards a big: “nothing”...


In a recent article Michael Batnick reminds us that investors are always told to think long-term, but how are we supposed to do this in a world that gives presidential candidates 30 seconds to make a point?

This point rings more true today than at any other point in my investing career. Multiple daily market moving headlines is the new norm. One worries about how the day will end let alone the month, quarter or decade. 

During a recent conversation with a potential investor I was asked how we at Logos LP handle this seemingly minute by minute investing climate. 

The way we approach this question is through the lens of Pascal’s suggestion that “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” It is in our human nature to want to tinker. Dissatisfaction and unease are inherent parts of human nature as this kind of suffering is biologically useful. 

It is nature’s preferred agent for inspiring change. We have evolved to always live with a certain degree of dissatisfaction and insecurity, because it’s the mildly dissatisfied and insecure creature that’s going to do the most work to innovate and survive. As Mark Manson writes in his book: “This constant dissatisfaction has kept our species fighting and striving, building and conquering. So no- our own pain and misery aren’t a bug of human evolution; they are a feature.” 

Thus, our own human nature can stand in the way of superior investment results ie. thinking long term, tuning out the noise and staying the course. 

If you are willing to accept and maintain a certain faith in long-term sustained economic expansion, thinking long-term when it comes to investing simply means that you maintain an acute awareness of your “human” penchant for dissatisfaction and unease. That you recognize your desire to tinker and don’t act on it. You don’t act out of emotion. You stick to the plan despite your troubles and your insecurities. 

As Aristotle once said: “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

Charts of the Month

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Net worth is at an all-time high, while leverage is down to levels seen in the 1980's. All of this evidence supports the notion that the consumer is well positioned to keep the economy on level footing.

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Chart Courtesy of Urban Carmel, Data Source; J.P. Morgan.

J.P.Morgan notes;

Fund flows into equity mutual funds and ETFs was strong before both the 2000-02 and 2007-09 bear markets, and even before the 2015-16 mini-bear market (blue circles). In comparison, fund flows have been negative for 5 of the past 8 quarters (red circle)

Logos LP July 2019 Performance

July 2019 Return: 4.45%

2019 YTD (July) Return: 30.93%

Trailing Twelve Month Return: 8.33%

Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) since inception March 26, 2014:+16.02%


Thought of the Month

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”-Leo Tolstoy

Articles and Ideas of Interest

  • The next recession will destroy millennials. My generation just can’t catch a break. The trade war is dragging on. The yield curve is inverting. Investors are fleeing to safety. Global growth is slowing. The stock market is dipping. Millennials are already in debt and without savings. After the next downturn, they’ll be in even bigger trouble. In addition low interest rates benefit pensioners not millennials…

  • Is our economy in The Upside Down? Something is strange with the economy. Normally, in good times, the government seeks to balance its books a bit, borrowing less, paying off some debt or — gasp — maybe even aiming for a budget surplus. And right now, on some important measures, economic times are good. But the government has been increasing spending and cutting taxes — and the budget deficit is projected to grow to nearly $1 trillion, an increase of over 35% since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was passed in 2017. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve would normally be raising interest rates to make sure the price of everything doesn't get out of control. But high inflation is nowhere to be seen, and the Fed is now cutting interest rates. We're living in the Upside Down. It's an alternate dimension where economic textbooks are being thrown out the window. A scary place where despite big deficits and easy money, the economy is slowing down to a rate below historical averages and wage growth remains disappointing. And it's a place where frightening monsters, or demogorgons, continue to scare away investment and productivity while kids now dream of being YouTubers rather than astronauts.... Slaying these monsters is the key to growth and prosperity, but we seem to be stuck in this new world where investment and productivity will not come roaring back. Can we escape?

  • The non-weirdness of negative interest rates. Savers in Europe are having to pay to store their wealth. That’s not so crazy when saving is all too plentiful. We are now at $17 trillion in negative yields globally in addition to certain european banks who are now paying customers to take out mortgages by offering negative interest rates. Banks paying people to borrow money is a bad sign for the global economy as it suggests that a fast-rising share of investors are so nervous about the future they’re willing to actually lose a little money by lending it to a borrower that is almost certain to pay it back, rather than risk betting on something that could go bust. In a healthy economy, investors would put their money to work in profit-making ventures such as factories or office buildings. There’s an obvious, persistent and continuous glut of underutilized capital and there’s no place in the advanced world for that capital to be invested without excess risk. The problem is that such negative rates don’t seem to be having the desired effect of stimulating the creation of profit making ventures and therefore growth. Research shows that negative rates actually CUT lending as they don’t create the right incentives to spend and invest.


  • We’ve reached peak wellness. Most of it is nonsense. In Silicon Valley, techies are swooning over tarot-card readers. In New York, you can hook up to a “detox” IV at a lounge. In the Midwest, the Neurocore Brain Performance Center markets brain training for everything from ADHD, anxiety, and depression to migraines, stress, autism-spectrum disorder, athletic performance, memory, and cognition. And online, companies like Goop promote “8 Crystals For Better Energy” and a detox-delivery meal kit, complete with “nutritional supplements, probiotics, detox and beauty tinctures, and beauty and detox teas.” Across the country, everyone is looking for a cure for what ails them, which has led to a booming billion-dollar industry—what some have come to call the Wellness Industrial Complex. The problem is that so much of what’s sold in the name of modern-day wellness has little to no evidence of working.

  • It has gotten too hard to strike it rich in America. Many of the traditional ways of accumulating wealth are out of reach. In a free-market economy everyone is supposed to have the chance to get rich. The dream of making it big motivates people to take risks, start businesses, stay in school and work hard. Unfortunately, in the U.S., that dream seems to be dying. There are still plenty of rich people in the U.S., and their wealth is increasing. But people outside that top echelon are having a tougher time breaking in. A 2017 study by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland found that the probability that a household outside the top 10% made it into the highest tier within 10 years was twice as high during 1984-1994 as it was during 2003-2013.


  • Want to beat venture capitalists’ returns? Invest in publicly listed innovators through the NASDAQ. Everyone has heard that story about an angel or vc fund that invested in a start-up company at seed or early stage and reaped 100-1000 times returns. Investors hear about such stories and, wanting to reap the same returns for themselves, start exploring angel and venture capital investments. The above instances are exceptions, but given the extraordinary returns generated, they get talked about. However, for every such exceptional investment, there are at least a 100 or possibly 1000 investments where the capital is completely destroyed. Once you account for those, what are the returns to Venture Capitalists? According to a study by Cambridge Associates, the US Venture Capital investors got compounded annual returns of 12.83 per cent (net) over the 10 years from 2008 to 2018, in USD terms. Now, that is not something small. However, over the same period the Nasdaq composite returned 15.45 per cent annually with full liquidity...Headlines sell, facts deliver.

  • Evidence shows you’re not open-minded. Do you think of yourself as open-minded? For a 2017 study, scientists asked 2,400 well-educated adults to consider arguments on politically controversial issues — same-sex marriage, gun control, marijuana legalization — that ran counter to their beliefs. Both liberals and conservatives, they found, were similarly adamant about avoiding contrary opinions. The lesson is clear enough: Most of us are probably not as open-minded as we think. That is unfortunate and something we can change. A hallmark of teams that make good predictions about the world around them is something psychologists call “active open mindedness.” People who exhibit this trait do something, alone or together, as a matter of routine that rarely occurs to most of us: They imagine their own views as hypotheses in need of testing.

Our best wishes for a fulfilling August,

Logos LP